Journal of GEOsciences, volume 53 / 2008 / No. 2 / page-strana 192:
Geophysical cross-section through the Bogd fault system in the area of the Chandman rupture, SW Mongolia
Viktor VALTR, Pavel HANŽL
In 2005 and 2006 we took part in a geological mapping project in Mongolian Altay: "Geological survey of the Mongolian Altay at a scale of 1 : 50,000 (Zamtyn Nuruu-50)".
We applied our currently present methods on 1 km long profile across the Bogd fault.
This article deals with results of geophysical methods VES, VES-IP, DEMP, TF Mag and VLF and their application for studying the fault zone structure to the depth of first hundreds meters.
Geolines, volume 8 / 1999 / page-strana 31:
Shallow Reflection Seismic Prospecting of the Kurovice
Klippe (Magura Flysch) and its Structural Interpretation
František HUBATKA, Jiří HRUŠKA, Oldřich KREJČÍ, Zdeněk STRÁNÍK, Lilian ŠVÁBENICKÁ and Viktor VALTR